We've missed the morning devotion and activities as my Malaysian team's the last to arrive on the 13th of March.We had a first hand experience of the Cambodian 'tuk-tuk' which is different from those of Thailand.By the way..There's only THREE traffic light in the whole of Siem Reap.THREE! Report to me if you manage to count the exact ammount of traffic lights in Selangor( Malaysia), Geylang( Singapore), Chiangmai( Thailand) or Sendai( Japan).hahaha.
By the way, we went to our guesthouse which is called 'Bakong Lodge Bar/Restaurant'.It was much much much more better than what I had in mind.We were ready for lunch upon arriving at our guesthouse.And so we were divided into our International Groups for lunch( after waiting for everyone who arrived earlier to meet in 'Bakong'.Well..I was hungry! - Just look at the picture below ) and for most of the discussions and activities for the week.
My International Group - Jonathan, Judith, Hikaru( Japan), Mabel, Veronica, Jia ni, Aaron Wong( Singapore), Oan( Thailand) and Reagan( Malaysia).haha.
What I like about camps like this is the fact that we always have and immediate connection or bond for ( insert time period here) a week in my case.
In the evening of the same day, we went to 'Tonle Sap'.Having only read it in my Geography book, I'm excited to be there myself."The largest lake in Southeast Asia and I'm going to be there!" I said to myself.
*On the way to 'Tonle Sap'.The bus ride itself was fun, just like an amusement park or something as the road was bumpy.haha.
*The boat that we were in around 'Tonle Sap'.That's 'Princess Neung' walking towards it.Look at the treatment she gets.LoL.haha.
*The excitement didn't last long once I saw 'Teh Tarik' everywhere.As much as I like 'Teh Tarik'..I wouldn't like it that way.
*But that wouldn't distract me from enjoying the floating buildings that I really liked so much! The have a school, basketball court, police station, some politic's party building, houses( with a mini garden ), some halls and the best part of it is..All of them looks like its floating.And guess what? there's a church too!
*That's me in the white shirt and red cap.
*Kids who looked like they're walking on water is really cool too!
*Those are the people in my boat.Bay and I were posing in the third picture( on the left ).No idea what kind of pose it is though.At least we had fun!=)*Random pictures of 'Tonle Sap'.
*That's the souvenir shop with an 'Aligator farm' signboard because...*Marvin : Hey mates, get a good look at tonight's dinner!
Jenny : I want that BIG one! 'Aroi maak!'( Very delicious!)*There are kids selling drinks and bananas for $1 all around 'Tonle Sap' in their 'sampan' and they're good.Some even climbed up our boat to sell to us.So exciting! haha.
'Tonle Sap' is such a beautiful place! A lake that looked like an ocean.
Reagan : I've been there! haha.
Please note that I'm not going to write every single thing that I did from day to day but I'm going to write in a basic way of the events that happened.
The Devotion that night was " Lord, I want to know you more" which was infact our theme and there's a song to that too.
Till the next post...